she was more popular than miku at one point. Luka was the first vocaloid that could speak two languages n was so popular when she was released like. They dont have the best soundin voices in the world bc they arent used v well all the time but there r some really really good songs w them !!! for meiko id say that one cover of the snow white princess is, nostalgic, change me, n evil food eater conchita (again, the evillious chronicles is A Lot) !! kaito id say doctor=funk beat, believe, cantarella, n 1/4 !!!! Kaito n meiko !!! they arent used together v often (meiko isnt used for A Lot ://) but they were released around the same time !!! they were the first japanese vocaloids ever (leon, lola, n miriam were the first three loids n they all were english) !!! Some good len songs r holy lance explosion boy (sacred spear explosion boy ? idk one of those two titles), paradichlorobenzene, butterfly on your (my ?) right (left ?) shoulder, that one ponponpon cover, n nakakapagpabagabag !! Uhhh too lazy to link any more here so um !!! good rin songs r meltdown, girl a, melancholic, tengaku, n kokoro !!
Some songs w them together r bring it on, this cover of electric angel, n the servant of evil series (not gonna link it bc the evillious chronicles is, so fuckin much, i dont ever wanna get into it,) ! Rin n len r used together a lot bc theyre "mirror images" (twins basically) n voiced by the same person FKJLSDKJFDLS len has a common theme in every story song where he dies or bein v v sexual (the kagamines r 14 btw :/) n rin is either v cute or the literal devil ! Theres also a few others that r v v good like matryoshka, sand planet, n shake it !!! theres a lot m missin bc shes used So Much but shes fun !!! Miku obviously has probably the most iconic songs but i think there r a few producers that use her well like ?ĭeco*27 (see here, here, n here), mitchie m (see here, here, n here), n supercell (see here, here, n here) r a few examples !! most of the popular miku songs r produced by one of these three !!! Ia has i think japanese voicebanks ? her english voicebank was released a couple years ago i think n HOLY SHIT ITS SO REALISTIC ITS KINDA SCARY ? Gakupo only has japanese voicebanks n i think hes only been released for v2, v3, n v4 but i could be wrong !!! Luke has a japanese n english voicebank !!! she was the first vocaloid w both an english n a japanese vocaloid !!! Rin n len have japanese n english voicebanks as well as appends, same w gumi, meiko, n kaito (except meiko n kaito dont have any appends. Miku has a japanese, english, n chinese voicebank as well as many other appends !!! There r some v popular vocaloid mascots like hatsune miku, kagemine rin n len, n megurine luka (all made by crypton !) the cryptonloids (see three before kaito, n meiko (first two japanese vocaloids)), gumi, ia, n gakupo r some of the most popular loids !!!!
So vocaloid !!! voice synthesizers !!! singers give samples of their voice n uhhh the samples r used to make a vocaloid !!!! n then those vocaloids r more often than not given an avatar n sold so producers can make songs w them !!!! thats the basic overview of what a vocaloid is :D (NOT TO B CONFUSED W UTAU !!! THEY R V V SIMILAR EXCEPT UTAU IS FREE N YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN !!!) It is Vocaloid Miriam, developed in 2004 by Zero-G and based on the voice of South African-born British singer Miriam Stockley.This is a v big can of worms you r openin rn <3 DJKLFJLKFDS In this first version of the Vocaloid editor that we offer you'll be able to enjoy three sample files of the third edition of Vocaloid that was launched on the market.

In the last quarter of 2011, Vocaloid 3 was launched, allowing the use of plug-ins and improving language support among other noteworthy features.
After several years of progress, in 2007 the second version of the Vocaloid software was announced, totally renovating both the interface and the synthesis technology that is used. The development of Vocaloid started in March 2000.

Vocaloid is a voice synthesizer application focused on musical interpretation developed by the Yamaha Corporation. Type in the lyrics and a melody and voilà! Vocaloid will offer you the song properly sung.